Guaranteed accurate federal, state and local tax calculations
Direct deposit
Professional paychecks and pay stubs
Secure online employee access to pay stubs
Wage garnishments
Vacation and sick pay tracking
Pay types: salary, hourly wages, multiple
pay rates, bonuses, cash tips, paycheck
tips, expense reimbursements, allowances,
holiday, and more
Voluntary deductions: taxable and pre-tax
premiums for medical, dental, and vision;
retirement plans; flexible spending accounts:
dependent and medical care; cash advance
and loan repayments; and others
Federal Tax Deposits and Filings
Quarterly and year-end filings
W-4’s, I-9’s and employer registration forms
State Tax Deposits and Filings
Quarterly and year-end filings
Multi-state tax payments and filings
New hire reporting
Employer registration forms
Accounting Software Integration
Payroll data integration available for
QuickBooks Desktop® and QuickBooks Online®
Detailed, Insightful Reports
Payroll Reports: Check Payment Detail, Current Pay Rates, Deductions & Contributions, Direct Deposit Details, Payroll Details, Payroll Register and Worker’s Comp Wages